Our world is a mess! A world based on money, greed, thirst for power, hatred, jealousy, you name it.
I saw a woman in her mid 50's today. She was well dressed and had no makeup on her face. She stopped me and begged me for 5 bucks. She didn't even want a 5 dollar bill. She wanted it in change, because she wanted to use it for the bus. Where this world is heading? I have no idea. She said that she had her utilities about to be disconnected. Her phone was already disconnected. She was behind on her mortgage payment. She wanted to take the bus to the gas company to beg them not to disconnect her gas and to give her an extension. I myself am not rich, but I could not resist and gave her the only $4 cash I had in my wallet. I wished and still wish if I had enough cash to help her with something other than the bus fare.
I was thinking on my way home, what would a big phone company achieve with disconnecting a middle age woman's phone? The company is in the top 5 list of the richest in Canada. Would it hurt if they just wait for her to pay for her bill, instead of cutting her off and make the life miserable for her? Couldn't they come up to some co-op solutions for people who have money problem? If I was the owner of such place, I would have created such policy. With the proof that a person does not have the money, I would not cut off their services, I would only ask them to sign a co-op contract to work for me for a period of time and I would write off their bill instead of their free works for me. This way the poor has the service and the right to live as a normal human being, while I have got my riches. Would it kill them to do such thing?
I wish mankind could reach such level of well being to care and respect humanity.
It is sad knowing the fact that the system will crush you even harder once you fall.
What harm would it do if we could actually help the fallen instead of crushing them?
God help us all as if this is the road we are all in, soon or later we would all get hit by something similar.
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