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Monday, April 20, 2009


I read a question in Yahoo Answers and I think I had a great answer, so I answered it there. However, the subject is something that I know many people, specially youngsters and teenagers struggle with. Therefore, I decided to post my answer here. The question was made by a 13 years old girl who loves dancing and thinks that she cannot do it because of her weight. So here is what I wrote in respond: Sweetheart! I am a 48 years old mother of two children. I can say that I have always kept my body well balanced. Let me tell you how it works. You are in the middle of your growth. What you do now would affect your body form for the rest of your life. (Well mostly). First of all, you need to know that you are just fine. Don't use people like Paris Hilton or anybody else as your rolemodel. What is called Hollywood body is not going to bring you happiness and fortune. It is just an appearance. All you need is the love for yourself and what God has given you. Be happy and proud of who you are and how you look. Everybody is beautiful because they are all created by a beautiful creator. I have seen people dancing in various weights and heights. Just believe in yourself. If you like dancing, then dance. Who is the one to tell you that you cannot dance because of whatever reason? You can dance at any age and at any height and weight. You are a happier person if you love yourself as you are. Yet, if you are still insisting in losing weight, read the rest of my answer. Not eating or eating small is not good. Your body needs the fuel so it could work and burn the fat. The more it burns, the more you would lose weight. I don't say that you should eat all the time. What I mean is to eat healthy and smart. My snacks were cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflowers, grapes, bananas, or any other fruit I could find in the fridge. I have always loved chocolate. I was lucky that dark or semi-sweet chocolate was my favorite. Now I know that actually a chocolate bar with about 65% or 70% cocoa, (Semi-sweet/dark) a day is actually good for a healthy diet. I also used to have a small zip-lock bag filled with nuts of all kinds with me, as well as, semi-sweet/sour candies. When I was out and was struck by hunger, a few nuts or a couple of sour & sugarless candies would have killed my hunger for a couple a hours. More than that, I loved swimming. Swimming helps you a great deal.Or if you have access to a treadmill or bicycle, they would do even better. Yoga practices and workouts, even dancing by yourself, when you are watching tv or at least half an hour a day, along with the healthy eating, will help you. Make sure not to stop before half an hour, because you need to wake up your cells to work out and burn the fat. Try to lower, (Don't quit) the amount of sugar or fat you are taking. Stay AWAY from fast food by any means. Oriental food specially sushi is good though. The worst ones are particularly FRIES and BURGERS. If there is nothing else except McDonald and you are starving, just buy a few chicken nuggets and NO FRIES! (Remember, mcdonald's fries are not even real potatoes and they never leave your body. I have seen several experiments done on them.) Also, you could ask your parents to get you vinegar or apple cider vinegar pills. They are natural and work as anti oxidants. Take a couple of them right before your breakfast and you would achieve what you want in less than 2 months. I would be happy to know the result if you decided to follow my instructions. Take care and good luck. Source(s) Experience, lifetime achievement, reading and research throughout life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I loved that video it made me laugh on a day like this. Great work here. Thanks for the show it was very entertaining.



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