Thursday, July 2, 2009
RIP Dear Michael (1958-2009)
One of the saddest news of our time. Michael Jackson the Great King of Pop passed away on June 25, 2009. He was a humanist and had a great heart. Souls like his are rare and it was a great honour having him in our time. May God's blessing lighten his soul and he could finally find the peace he was never allowed to have all his life. We love you Micheal and we will miss you Always!
Disclaimer: This video is not made by me and I do not take or claim any credit for it. It is done by a fan of Michael Jackson on Youtube, and I am only sharing it with you. Here is the link to the youtube channel, if you want to see the maker of it.
Disclaimer: This video is not made by me and I do not take or claim any credit for it. It is done by a fan of Michael Jackson on Youtube, and I am only sharing it with you. Here is the link to the youtube channel, if you want to see the maker of it.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Something to make you feel better, :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Earth 4 Energy - Renewable Energy Solutions - Wind And Solar Power!

Do you know you could reduce your expenses with replacing your current electricity and heating system to a solar based or even windmill system?
The good news is that the governments usually supporting this energy saving programs and you can actually get a bonus for it, added to your income tax return.
With all the weather changes, economy troubles, rumors about the years to come, I think it is a great idea to nail it. I personally am planning to convert to solar and wind power system, just to be on the safe side as well as cutting down on my utility bills.
Here is a great place to give you an idea.
Click Here!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
UFC 98 "LIVE" on PPV at Dave & Busters on Saturday May 23rd 2009!!!

UFC 98 "LIVE" on PPV at Dave & Busters on Saturday May 23rd 2009!!! With Special GUEST :Gray "The Bully" Maynard For the first time ever... The Substance Group, Tap Out, MMA Canada. net, and DPF Group presents The Official MMA Industry Social at Dave and Busters! Come network, meet and greet mma members as we all meet under one roof, for one night to watch UFC 98 "LIVE" on PPV. Purchase your advance tickets here: SEE YOU THERE
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Swine Flu

Everybody talks about it these days.
It's a fear nobody can hide. The masks are all gone. Masks you could buy for a $6 a pack are now for $299 if you could even find one.
How did we come up to this? Everybody is thinking of piling up supplies not even care what would happen to those who could not buy even one. Does anybody care? No too many I guess.
Yet! the good news for those who could not find any mask , nor could afford buying them anyways is that the masks are not effective at all. All you have to do is to wash your hands about every 20 minutes if you are in contact with people and if you are out there. Beside that, keep your immune system strong. Drink lots of fluids, take your daily dose of vitamins, and stay away from the outside world as much as you can. Nobody knows how long this pandemic would last, but the predictions don't sound quite cool. Try to have enough supplies for a few months at home, in case if things go bad. Water, bread, sweets (specially chocolates), and vitamins are essentials. Don't empty the stores' shelves. Just supply enough provision to support your family for at least a few months.
More important, keep the faith. Trust God and keep up with your prayers. Do not panic and do not let the fear get into you. Watch for your pets not to be alone outside, since you don't know if they have been in contact with infected or not.
Best of luck!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Windows Live Hotmail
Windows Live Hotmail: "Dear pufchi, It's not everyday that I find a good reason tosend an e-mail to my entire address list. Today,I sense a moral obligation to send this toeveryone I know. Every 60 seconds someone dies from cancer -- andevery 3 minutes, someone new is diagnosed withcancer. That someone could even be you. If you know anyone who's suffering from cancer(and who doesn't?), you must watch this 5- minutevideo titled 'Is This the Cure for Cancer ThatReally Works?' This is the video that thepharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to watch. When this video was first put online, it circledthe globe and was viewed by people in allcontinents within a matter of 31 minutes. It hasgotten over 129,000 views in the last couple ofweeks alone. Don't forget to send the link to everyone you knowwho has cancer (even those who are in remission).It's that important. You might even end up savingsomeone's life. Go watch the video by going to the followingwebpage: 'Is This the Cure for Cancer That ReallyWorks?' Or if your e-mail program won't allow youto click on the link above, copy the followinglink and paste it onto your browser: Good health to you and yours, Dr. Suzanne"
Here is the website you could check:
Here is the website you could check:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Miss California's Story
I don't think it was even a good idea asking such question. What she believes is a personal matter and by asking her such question, they are practically disrespecting her privacy rights.
However, no matter what her beliefs are, I do admire her for standing up for her beliefs and did not lie in fear of lowering her chances of winning.
Mark my words, beside her social accomplishments, she will be a great mother in her personal life.
If you like, please visit the polls page in the link on the sidebar and cast your vote to have your say in this regard.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What a Mess!

Our world is a mess! A world based on money, greed, thirst for power, hatred, jealousy, you name it.
I saw a woman in her mid 50's today. She was well dressed and had no makeup on her face. She stopped me and begged me for 5 bucks. She didn't even want a 5 dollar bill. She wanted it in change, because she wanted to use it for the bus. Where this world is heading? I have no idea. She said that she had her utilities about to be disconnected. Her phone was already disconnected. She was behind on her mortgage payment. She wanted to take the bus to the gas company to beg them not to disconnect her gas and to give her an extension. I myself am not rich, but I could not resist and gave her the only $4 cash I had in my wallet. I wished and still wish if I had enough cash to help her with something other than the bus fare.
I was thinking on my way home, what would a big phone company achieve with disconnecting a middle age woman's phone? The company is in the top 5 list of the richest in Canada. Would it hurt if they just wait for her to pay for her bill, instead of cutting her off and make the life miserable for her? Couldn't they come up to some co-op solutions for people who have money problem? If I was the owner of such place, I would have created such policy. With the proof that a person does not have the money, I would not cut off their services, I would only ask them to sign a co-op contract to work for me for a period of time and I would write off their bill instead of their free works for me. This way the poor has the service and the right to live as a normal human being, while I have got my riches. Would it kill them to do such thing?
I wish mankind could reach such level of well being to care and respect humanity.
It is sad knowing the fact that the system will crush you even harder once you fall.
What harm would it do if we could actually help the fallen instead of crushing them?
God help us all as if this is the road we are all in, soon or later we would all get hit by something similar.
Monday, April 20, 2009
I read a question in Yahoo Answers and I think I had a great answer, so I answered it there. However, the subject is something that I know many people, specially youngsters and teenagers struggle with. Therefore, I decided to post my answer here. The question was made by a 13 years old girl who loves dancing and thinks that she cannot do it because of her weight. So here is what I wrote in respond: Sweetheart! I am a 48 years old mother of two children. I can say that I have always kept my body well balanced. Let me tell you how it works. You are in the middle of your growth. What you do now would affect your body form for the rest of your life. (Well mostly). First of all, you need to know that you are just fine. Don't use people like Paris Hilton or anybody else as your rolemodel. What is called Hollywood body is not going to bring you happiness and fortune. It is just an appearance. All you need is the love for yourself and what God has given you. Be happy and proud of who you are and how you look. Everybody is beautiful because they are all created by a beautiful creator. I have seen people dancing in various weights and heights. Just believe in yourself. If you like dancing, then dance. Who is the one to tell you that you cannot dance because of whatever reason? You can dance at any age and at any height and weight. You are a happier person if you love yourself as you are. Yet, if you are still insisting in losing weight, read the rest of my answer. Not eating or eating small is not good. Your body needs the fuel so it could work and burn the fat. The more it burns, the more you would lose weight. I don't say that you should eat all the time. What I mean is to eat healthy and smart. My snacks were cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflowers, grapes, bananas, or any other fruit I could find in the fridge. I have always loved chocolate. I was lucky that dark or semi-sweet chocolate was my favorite. Now I know that actually a chocolate bar with about 65% or 70% cocoa, (Semi-sweet/dark) a day is actually good for a healthy diet. I also used to have a small zip-lock bag filled with nuts of all kinds with me, as well as, semi-sweet/sour candies. When I was out and was struck by hunger, a few nuts or a couple of sour & sugarless candies would have killed my hunger for a couple a hours. More than that, I loved swimming. Swimming helps you a great deal.Or if you have access to a treadmill or bicycle, they would do even better. Yoga practices and workouts, even dancing by yourself, when you are watching tv or at least half an hour a day, along with the healthy eating, will help you. Make sure not to stop before half an hour, because you need to wake up your cells to work out and burn the fat. Try to lower, (Don't quit) the amount of sugar or fat you are taking. Stay AWAY from fast food by any means. Oriental food specially sushi is good though. The worst ones are particularly FRIES and BURGERS. If there is nothing else except McDonald and you are starving, just buy a few chicken nuggets and NO FRIES! (Remember, mcdonald's fries are not even real potatoes and they never leave your body. I have seen several experiments done on them.) Also, you could ask your parents to get you vinegar or apple cider vinegar pills. They are natural and work as anti oxidants. Take a couple of them right before your breakfast and you would achieve what you want in less than 2 months. I would be happy to know the result if you decided to follow my instructions. Take care and good luck. Source(s) Experience, lifetime achievement, reading and research throughout life.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Wake Up Call
I watched Susan Boyle singing in the Talent Show called, "Britain Got Talent!" I was stunned just as mush as everybody else who watched her performance either live, on tv or on internet.
One of the judges called the event "A wake up call" since she noticed that everybody was against Susan in the begining. I call this "A wake up call" not only for that, but for a couple of reasons.
Susan, is a great example for us to learn from. She showed the world, that you can achieve what you want at any age, and as per the song she sang, even if your life has killed your dreams, you can still get up and bring those dreams into reality.
She also showed us not to judge people by the way they look, as you don't know the person.
She also tells us how to have faith, to believe in yourself and never let anything stop you in your path, if you believe your goal is a positive goal.
I hope those among you who still feel behind in life, move and wake up by this and start taking action toward your dreams and life long achievments. Best of Luck!
One of the judges called the event "A wake up call" since she noticed that everybody was against Susan in the begining. I call this "A wake up call" not only for that, but for a couple of reasons.
Susan, is a great example for us to learn from. She showed the world, that you can achieve what you want at any age, and as per the song she sang, even if your life has killed your dreams, you can still get up and bring those dreams into reality.
She also showed us not to judge people by the way they look, as you don't know the person.
She also tells us how to have faith, to believe in yourself and never let anything stop you in your path, if you believe your goal is a positive goal.
I hope those among you who still feel behind in life, move and wake up by this and start taking action toward your dreams and life long achievments. Best of Luck!
Monday, April 13, 2009

I just had a call from someone I know. A young lady! She was crying as she was driving to work. She said that she just saw a baby squirrel got hit by the car in front of her. She said that the driver in the front car, did not even slow down nor made any move to be a sign that he even cared for the poor animal.
I remember this guy, got his car flipped over and hit a pole bad enough to write off the car. All because he didn't want to hit a squirrel or a whatever animal crossing his road. This guy sure will get his rewards by both God and Karma. While the other guy would sure pay for his bad action and behaviour. How could someone kill such a tiny, cute and helpless creature? It is true when they say that human is the worst of the predatores in this world. Sad that we share the "Human" title with these type of people.
How does it feel to be heartless and careless? Do they feel anything at all? I don't think so. You cannot feel anything if you do not care for a little helpless animal crossing your road.
I wish I was there to stop his car and give him a lecture. What good does it do though? Would it bring back that tiny creature to life?
I am not making a fuss out of this. I am just tired of seeing all the road kills, which could have been prevented by little care when driving.
The only comforting thought is that, the little creature is in heaven now.
I do believe in Heaven and I do believe that animals go to heaven when they die. I think this is the only way to justify their short life and the cruelty done upon them by some breed of mankind.I really hope and wish and pray to see a day when every human being act like one.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Do Dogs see ghosts?

I have two small dogs. They are both Shih Tzus. The male dog, which is older, is a pure bred and acts like royalties. The female, which is 2 years younger than the male, has something in her blood, makes her more active and humble. She is the one makes me think of this topic. She is a playful dog. She acts so wierd at times making me think she sees ghosts or creatures invisible to human. She stares at empty spaces in the air and looks around. Sometimes she jumps suddenly like she has got pinched or freaked out by some vision. I tried to explain it to our vet but no use. I tried to seek the answer online and guess what I found for answer. Majority of the results were saying the same thing. Most were questioning the same subject, if dogs could see ghosts.
If you have any experience or stories in this subject, I would be happy to hear it.
Don't be shy and please share it here with us.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Guilt Trip

I don't mean to take anybody on a guilt trip. This is just purely from my own heart. What I said in my previous post about my mom, made me thinking about it instead of anymore venting. You see! I have always kept this to myself and not even once told about it to anybody until I finally let that out of my chest the other day. That cleared my mind, and got me rid of confusing thoughts and feelings, which had piled up in me over the years.
I realized that no matter what my mom is saying or doing, she has never meant harm and it has always been because of her pure love. We all know how love makes people do things beyond ordinary. This is one of them. Knowing the fact that she lives overseas, makes it even harder.
So what if my mom makes mind blowing suggestions? I need to look a bit beyond the words coming out of her mouth and look for the reason why for her sayings or acts. In my case, and I am sure in majority cases, moms have proven to be dedicated and loving. That is all that matters. Nobody is perfect! In fact, I am wondering on what my own kids have to say about me behind my back. I am going to ask them to vent about me in here. That should be interesting.
My suggestion to all who read this, is to try to keep it calm for as long as you can. Even if you have had it enough and want to let it off your chest, never tear the respect veil between your parents and yourself. Remember the fact that they love you and it all comes from their pure loving heart. Then put yourself in their shoes and see how would it be if it was you and your children, instead. Think about the things your own children might have in their mind to vent about you.
Long story short, I picked up the phone and called her yesterday. I apologized her for being short tempered. I gave her a few compliments to make her feel good about herself again. I am in peace now, until God knows when my loving mother would say something to make me wanting to scream as loud as I can. I hope there won't be a next time and I hope that I would behave myself if there would be any next time.
Love and Peace to You All.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It is a famous saying, "Moms supposed to be annoying! That's their duty!"
It does make perfect sense in my case.
I am a 48 years old woman. Single mother of two adult children. One in university, another is working. I have travelled around almost half of the globe and seen a lot. I have had my life long achievements and am happy with where I am. Of course, nobody's life is perfect, but I cannot complain since there are always a worst case scenario compare to negative aspects of any life.
I live in Canada and my mother lives in Sweden. I love her to death. She is a very loving, caring and dedicated mother. She has always been like that. I know that she loves all her children and she never means to hurt us in anyway. Yet! Yet, she annoys the hell out of me almost everytime we talk. The older we get the matter gets worse. Somehow, she always looks at me as a 15 years old teenager. She never agrees with anything I would say. I don't know what are the credibility standards in her eyes, but it never seems that I fit in that category for her. For example, If I say, " Workingout is good." She would say, "Yes it is good, but every workout is different. You cannot say workingout is good, unless to add blah and blah to it." Then I say, "Of course! I mean working out is good only if blah and blah!" She says, "No! Working out is good. Dosen't matter if blah and blah!"
Such frustrating conversations between us can go on and on, and happens all the time.
What triggered me today making me writing this article, was the conversation I had with my mother today.
We are Canadian, and have lived in this city for almost 20 years and because of my job, and our lifestyle, I have learned quite more than ordinary about the system, the rules, laws and lifestyle here.
My son graduated from college a year ago. He could have started working right away as he got a couple of good job offers at spot. Instead, he decided to go to university. Apart from that, if he wanted to work, he had two options. One was just to accept any of the job offers and start working, or to pay for his licence so he could open a business of his own. Now that he is in university, he cannot do the office work, since what he studies does not leave him enough time to work even part-time in his field of diploma.
Anyways! I have been explaining this to my mother since last year. I have tried all form of communication skills to make her understand why my son is not working while studying.
Every once in a while she brings up the subject and we start all over again. It makes me wonder if she is even listening to me when I talk.
So today, my mother called me from Europe, telling me that she was watching a tv program. She has called the tv show's host who had told her to tell me that I have to call her here and she is going to tell me where to go and what to do in order to get a work permit for my son!
Can you imagine how I felt? I don't think there is a need to say anymore.
All I can say is that I am so worried if I snap someday. I have been respectful and polite all these years, trying to control the anger, emotions or the mixed tense feelings so I would not say anything I would regret afterwards.
How far this could go? I have no idea. I would be happy to hear your stories or suggestions. Feel free to reply here.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Snow in April

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Not exactly in Toronto, but in one of its northern townships. I have lived here for 16 years. Only the first couple of years I remember we had very light snow, which didn't even last through the day a couple of times in March. April was always a beautiful Spring month. This year things have been different. We had snow starting October 10th this winter and it has been snowing since early yesterday morning till now. It is still snowing. In fact it has been snowstorm and cold weather. Everywhere is covered with snow all over again.
I have heard stuff about the changes in the face of the planet, but never knew they would occur in my time.
How is the weather in your areas? I would be happy to hear about other places.
Monday, April 6, 2009
So I decided to Quit!

I have been smoking for God knows how long. I remember a day when I was at a party and some people offered me smoke. In respond, I felt so strange even imagining myself smoking. A couple of months passed and I saw my aunt was lighting one. I rushed to her and asked her if I could light it for her. That was it. I became a smoker, and a heavy smoker right from the beginning. I didn't start because it looked cool or anything. I just simply enjoyed smoking. Never wanted to quit because I liked it. I wasted my health and my money on it for years until last week. There is a convenience store in my neighbourhood where I usually get my smoke from. I often pick up what I need during the week and pay them at the end of the week. Last week I went to pay for the money I owed. There was an 80 bucks outstanding balance. The sad part was that the whole $80 was spent on smoke. I suddenly felt a big OUCH! $80 only to burn and damage? There was no more thought or thinking after that. I decided to buy a pack and have it with me, so I would know that I have a cigarette if I feel like smoking. Yet, I decided to quit at spot. I know sudden and cold turkey quitting for those who have been smoking for years have even worst consequences, so I am doing it gradually. Each time I feel like smoking, I remember that 80 bucks and the money I have wasted on smoking all my life. I prepared a glass jar, and each time I want to buy a pack, I drop the money in the jar watching it grow. I used to think for me who have been smoking for long years, quitting would be hard because my body would sure crave for nicotine, but I was wrong. I don't even have the craving for the smoke.
I thought I better share this with you all. It is all in our head and our will. If you really and truly want to quit, you just need to make that clear for yourself and understand the reason why. When you accept the reason why from your heart, then you would have no problem quitting not only smoking, but also, any bad habit.
Hope this help you out if you are planing on quitting. Good Luck!
I thought I better share this with you all. It is all in our head and our will. If you really and truly want to quit, you just need to make that clear for yourself and understand the reason why. When you accept the reason why from your heart, then you would have no problem quitting not only smoking, but also, any bad habit.
Hope this help you out if you are planing on quitting. Good Luck!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Still Trying
It's been only a few days since I started here. I might not be a newbie in life, but for sure I am one in here.
I have many stories to share. Some are based on my real life experiences and some are the stories I have heard from here and there since I was a little a girl till now.
I am a single mother of two adult children. One is working and one is in university. I have seen many many things in life. Some of them were Rosy and some were as dark as the darkest dark possible. Yet! I am here and trying to kick a new start in the new chapter of my life.
So I decided to share my experiences with people out there. As a newbie in Blogging, I am not too sure how I can make the best out of this opportunity but until I become an expert, I will try to write, write and more write. Whatever comes to my head, I will write about it. I hope these notes would benefit those who are in need of support.
Life is full of beauty. Even in the hardest stages of your life, you can still find the beauty and comfort. But only IF and IF you want to. The easier you face your hardship, the easier you can face it and the easier it will pass by. Taking it easy does not mean by overlooking the issues or ignoring them. That would be the worst thing you would want to do when in trouble. Acknowledge the problems and the obstacles and face them. What I meant was the attitude. How you face them is important. Never panic, lose faith or give up. Believe me even in worst conditions, there are always solutions out there. Just don't panic, open your eyes and believe in the existence of the solution. That would be when you will see what you seek. Sometimes the answer and the solution is right in front of you.
I leave you here until the next post for now.
I have many stories to share. Some are based on my real life experiences and some are the stories I have heard from here and there since I was a little a girl till now.
I am a single mother of two adult children. One is working and one is in university. I have seen many many things in life. Some of them were Rosy and some were as dark as the darkest dark possible. Yet! I am here and trying to kick a new start in the new chapter of my life.
So I decided to share my experiences with people out there. As a newbie in Blogging, I am not too sure how I can make the best out of this opportunity but until I become an expert, I will try to write, write and more write. Whatever comes to my head, I will write about it. I hope these notes would benefit those who are in need of support.
Life is full of beauty. Even in the hardest stages of your life, you can still find the beauty and comfort. But only IF and IF you want to. The easier you face your hardship, the easier you can face it and the easier it will pass by. Taking it easy does not mean by overlooking the issues or ignoring them. That would be the worst thing you would want to do when in trouble. Acknowledge the problems and the obstacles and face them. What I meant was the attitude. How you face them is important. Never panic, lose faith or give up. Believe me even in worst conditions, there are always solutions out there. Just don't panic, open your eyes and believe in the existence of the solution. That would be when you will see what you seek. Sometimes the answer and the solution is right in front of you.
I leave you here until the next post for now.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hello Everyone!
I am planning to share the stories I know with the whole world. Stay tuned. I will be back with the updates.
I am planning to share the stories I know with the whole world. Stay tuned. I will be back with the updates.
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