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Thursday, July 2, 2009

RIP Dear Michael (1958-2009)

One of the saddest news of our time. Michael Jackson the Great King of Pop passed away on June 25, 2009. He was a humanist and had a great heart. Souls like his are rare and it was a great honour having him in our time. May God's blessing lighten his soul and he could finally find the peace he was never allowed to have all his life. We love you Micheal and we will miss you Always!

Disclaimer: This video is not made by me and I do not take or claim any credit for it. It is done by a fan of Michael Jackson on Youtube, and I am only sharing it with you. Here is the link to the youtube channel, if you want to see the maker of it.

Travel With Your eyes!

All credits belong to National Geographic. Copyrights holder of the images in this slideshow is National Geographic.
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